Positive Reflection

Mahnoor Cheema
3 min readOct 28, 2020


Smile more, worry less!

To begin with I would say that it’s quite a sentimental moment reflecting on my journey at Amal. It was a roller coaster ride from very energetic days to some over-burdened days where it was hard to balance responsibilities at home and parallelly completing the project works within due date. I can still recall from attending cheerful sessions to sleepless nights going an extra-mile, from cracking jokes to serious circle meetings, from doing activities to making videos, from circle conflicts to circle coordination, from getting daantified(scolded) during the sessions to getting endless appreciation and much more.

One of the incidents that I can recall which really touched me was when I didn’t attend two consecutive sessions due to a long-awaited family commitment and a few people texted me to know if I was doing well or not? Is everything fine at my place? They haven’t seen me in a while. They said that when they joined the session, noticed that I was missing out. One asked where am I busy? I still remember the names of those handful of people and they know who they are.

Probably just dropping a text wasn’t much of a big deal for them, but they literally have no idea how much special they mad me feel. Then I realized that my presence does makes a difference, and most likely it was a positive one hence they noticed some vacuum. I really admire how much these souls cared about well-being of a person whom they have met in the online sessions just a few days ago. I never wanted to miss any session but missing those two sessions made me feel really good(in a way). Well who doesn’t fell this good when they are this much valued. Now I believe that if you keep up positive energy and maintain an optimistic aura then indeed people value your existence. This also made me realize the importance of having good ties where it’s not necessary to have stayed in touch for years, rather its only your intention that matters i.e. if you intend to, you can take care of people around you anyway.

This reaction of mine solely depends on the radiance that these people emitted. They showed me how words can do wonders. How little efforts can make someone’s day despite they are having numerous problems. How acts of kindness can nourish the plant of respect and care among people. How looking after the people around you look like. How irrespective of the fact having a new bond can still mean to be there for someone. These were all the things that I was pondering upon while reflecting on my journey.

From now on I’ll be more considerate about the people around me. I’ll make them feel special and help them recognize their true worth. Knowing the importance of listening, I’ll become the one on the listening end. Though I am usually the one talking, but now I’ll focus more on being kind to those around. Overall, it was a great experience pondering upon one incident that really moved me. Well it wasn’t a journey with one incident but a bundle of incidents that will make this journey a forever memorable one. Still can’t believe that it is about to end but would always cherish the beautiful memories it brought to me.



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